The Shirt Fabric Guide

A man posing in a White Shirt

The weight, texture, and drape of your shirt depends on one thing - the weave. This guide will take you through the qualities and benefits of each weave we offer, and where to wear them.

A cloth made of white twill material

The Twill Weave

Twill is made by passing a horizontal thread under two or more vertical threads, which gives it the subtle diagonal pattern and durable feel it’s known for. The heavier material means that it’s incredibly crease-resistant with a more solid drape.

Perfect for cooler-season styling.

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A cloth made of white poplin material

The Poplin Weave

Poplin is created with rows of vertical and horizontal threads in a tightly woven criss-cross pattern for an ultra-smooth finish. The finish is remarkably more lightweight than other weaves, but don’t let that fool you; it’s still incredibly durable.

The perfect choice for warmer months.

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A cloth made of white oxford material

The Oxford Weave

The Oxford combines duo-toned thin and thick threads (usually in a blend of a single colour with white) in a discernable basket-weave structure. It has a slightly textured, mid-weight feel, and is renowned for its versatility.

A great choice for styling in-between the seasons.

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